How to write great case studies for your website

We have already established on a previous blog that every website should have a section for case studies. In a nutshell, case studies are examples of your work with testimonials. In this blog we give you a guideline on what you should include in your case study.

A case study is normally a description about a client or customer that has used your service and a written testimonial from them, which is a positive endorsement of your service or product. Here are the key components:

  1. Outline of service or product you provided

Give a description here about the product or service you provided to your customer or client. Give as much detail as possible: Whom did you provide the service to? When? Are they still a customer or client? What service did you provide? Why did they need that service or product? What was the outcome? Tell a story.

  1. Facts, Statistics and Evidence

 Give evidence using facts or statistics on how the product has benefited your customer or client. Increased sales or customer feedback are examples of how you can show your product has benefited the client.

  1. Great Images

Images of the service or product you provided will help bring the story to life. This is especially true if your product is very visual, like an interior designer or magician. It is worth paying for professional photography or even video to make your case study more compelling.

  1. Testimonial

Obtain a written testimonial about your business from your client. Choose clients or customers that you believe will give you a glowing report. Try and get them to write something very comprehensive. Questions to ask are: Why did you use us or what was the problem? What did we do? Would you use our service again? Would you recommend us? Why? Sometimes the client may not have time to write something, so you could offer to interview them over the phone and then write up a draft and send it over to them for approval. You may also want to consider video testimonials, which are an even better way of illustrating the benefits of your product or service.

  1. Call to action

At the end of your case study or somewhere prominent include a call to action. This might be inviting the reader to contact you to find out how you can help them in the same way that you helped the client or customer in the case study. Or it could be a special offer or promotion.

If you would like us to create a case study section on your website or build a new website please contact us