What Support Should You Expect From Your Website Developer?

When you approach a website developer to help you create a new website, you may have a vision of what you want to achieve. The developer’s job is to take that vision and translate it into something that converts site visitors into users of your services.

The key to most aspects of creating a website is communication, and that should start with the way the developer gathers information from you before the build begins. This will often be in the form of a questionnaire, meeting or discovery workshop that will allow the development team to go away with a clear brief from you. That brief should include the basic concept for the website, as well as more detailed areas such as who will deliver content, images, and any additional graphic design. Other items that they will need to deliver the website you want will include integrations with social media, eCommerce, and marketing tools. Once this brief is in place, the developers will be able to produce an initial draft of the site that can be used as a base for refining the site to meet your expectations.

Like many industries it is easy to get caught up in jargon. Terms like “SEO,” “meta description” and “hosting” can be thrown into conversations. Part of the support you should expect from your website developer is that where jargon is inescapable, it also comes with an explanation. For the developer to deliver the site you envision, it is important that you understand what they are asking for when it comes to information and content.

You should see regular communication about the progress of your website. There are some specific milestones that will need your input. At these milestones, when the page structure is completed or the initial set of content is in place, reviews are often held, and it is essential that you express opinions and help the team understand where changes are needed so they can fulfill your expectations. The development team can only take silence as agreement, so letting them know when you would like to change something is important at all stages of the work.

While all website creation is a joint effort, your development team should take the lead in setting the timescale for progress, with milestones to ensure transparency for all stakeholders I the project. It is important that you have a good understanding of the overall development process, and that you have visibility of the process. A new website is a major commitment for any business and to remove doubt and the worry that goes with it you should expect to know what is expected of you to make sure the build is kept on track, but also what tasks are being carried out any given time by the development team.

A good team will seek your views at all stages, a poor one will make choices and hope they meet with approval. At Soto we aim to become long term collaborative partners, supporting your online presence as your business develops. We do this by learning and understanding what our clients want from their websites. In short by communicating. Get in touch to talk to us about your vision for your website.