New Tech has not changed the fact that great customer service is still king!

Does your business have a customer service policy? With the advent of so much modern technology, many businesses lose sight of putting their customers at the heart of everything they do.

Did you know that both providing and benefitting from great customer service triggers the same basic cerebral reactions as feeling loved?

In 2013 a study commissioned by American Express uncovered a relationship between great service experiences and improved health, proving that it really does pay to give and receive great service.

Conducted across a global sample, the study found that great service can improve feelings of wellbeing, reduce feelings of anxiety and sadness, and even make people feel less lonely.

Here are our top 7 fundamentals of great customer service:

  1. Know your customers

Talk to your customers, carry out market research and develop personas for each type of customer your business has. To provide great customer service you should really understand what makes your customers tick, what are their likes/dislikes, their lifestyles and demographics? That way you can develop your products and services according to your customers’ needs.

  1. Talk your customers’ language

It sounds simple but you should always use plain English and speak in a language that your customers understand. Avoid technical language and industry jargon; it’ll turn your customers off.

  1. Be honest

Don’t try to be all things to all people. Know your limitations and let customers know if there are some services or products you don’t offer. You can always collaborate with other businesses that do offer those services.

  1. Be innovative

Think outside the box about how you can develop your services to meet your customers’ needs, perhaps making use of new technologies. For example, some innovative companies are providing webcam-enabled face-to-face contact with customer service staff.

  1. Give a little bit extra

It’s not enough now to deliver the service that people have paid for, so you need to give a little more added value, whether that’s add-ons or extra services. If you give that little bit extra your customers will be delighted.

  1. Common courtesy pays

This goes without saying, but the public-facing people in your business should always remain extremely polite, whether or not the customer is being rude or aggressive. We’re always dealt with very politely by the businesses we love and people hate it when customer service representatives are rude or indifferent.

  1. A customer is for life

Great customer service is about building a long-term relationship and there is no reason why a customer can’t last a lifetime or the lifetime of the business. If you think about the great brands, they create brand loyalty and customers come back time and again to buy from them – from the cradle to the grave. These companies have found ways to develop great relationships with their customers.

Talk to us about how your website can support great customer service.