Google Apps for Business – A tool you can’t do without!

Running a business can be a challenging task and you are probably looking out for all possible help you can get. Thanks to Google Apps for Business, help is now at hand and with the accessibility and speed it promises, you get to focus on actually running your business than on setting up and monitoring cumbersome systems to manage the workflow.

Google Apps Suite

Based on the principle of cloud computing, the Google Apps suite consists of Google Calendar, Gmail and Google Docs. These features together help you store and manage your data better and allow faster sharing to ensure everyone who needs information – employees, customers or clients – has access to it.

Cost Effective

Costing around £33 per year, Google Apps for Business allows you to create as many user accounts as your business requires, with equal access to all the Google applications you require. More importantly, you get a network uptime of 99.9 percent that is hard to match.

You can try a free version for one month; a great option to see if it’s right for you. All you need is a reliable hosting service and you’re away!

Data Security Guaranteed

With several features such as reliable back up and strong encryption to provide much-needed security, using Google Apps ensures your data remains safe. While you can enjoy complete access to the data all the year round, you still have total control over sharing it with third parties.

Stay Connected on the Go

Google Apps works on the cloud computing principle and this means that irrespective of where you are and when you need it, you have access to your documents, email, calendar and websites. In other words, location in space and time no longer has the power to stop you and your people from doing what your business needs.

Managing all your business activities using a single interface is guaranteed to free up a lot of physical space for your office and keep you sane!

It’s easy to set up and use, and Google Apps can provide you with a better way of doing business and succeeding in today’s competitive times.

For more information, please call us on 0117 230 3322.