#disconnectday 2018

In an increasingly digital world, it’s important to step back once in a while and disconnect. Studies show that there are loads of health benefits to unplugging, such as better sleep, improved mood and lower stress levels.

Naturally we love digital, but we’re encouraging you to take time to disconnect.  Before or after work, or even on your lunch break – get away from your devices, look around you and soak it all in.

That’s why we’ve started a new initiative to get people unplugging – for however long – on our first ever Disconnect Day – Thursday 21st June 2018 – the longest day of the year!

Sign up for however long you can, even if it’s only half an hour – turn off, unplug and go out – every disconnected minute is a minute well spent!

We hope that this will become a regular event – watch this space for more news and sign up at www.disconnectday.co.uk from 16th May 2018.