Christmas Hamper & Toy Appeal – Southern Brooks CP

Supporting our local community this Christmas

Our lovely clients over at Southern Brooks Community Partnerships are raising funds and collecting donated goods to provide families in need across South Gloucestershire with a small gift hamper this Christmas. This year it is more important than ever, as some may have lost jobs, taken ill or are unable to see their wider support networks.

Families receiving our hampers face serious challenges including poverty, poor mental health, disability and domestic abuse. They are some of the most vulnerable people living in our communities. Each hamper will include food staples, Christmas treats, toys, and games, bringing some joy at what for many will be a very challenging time. The hampers make an enormous difference to their wellbeing.

The community is pulling together to raise funds, donate items, and wrap and deliver hampers. Each £30 raised will help us reach one more family.

To make a donation or learn more about how you can help visit their fundraiser page.

Southern Brooks have provided us with a list of suggestions if you’d like to donate goods for the hampers:

  • Toys/ games that bring families together (boardgames, jigsaws etc)
  • Toys for children in the various age categories: 3 and under, 4-6, 7-10, 10-12, 12-16
  • Christmas treats: selection boxes, chocolates/ sweets, biscuits/ crackers, cakes, crisps/ nuts, pickles/ chutneys/ sauces etc
  • Non-perishable food essentials
  • Wrapping paper
  • Boxes

If you are interested in donating items please contact us and we’ll arrange a time with Southern Brooks to drop off any donations.

A few of us are also hoping to help by volunteering to wrap the hampers in December, if you’re local and would like to join us let us know!

Merry Christmas!